That being said, my hormones are very freaked out. Aunt Flo hasn't visited since I got pregnant with Emmett (2 1/2 years now) Seems like a blessing, right? But I know it's not and I decided it's time to really get to the root of the problem. My sister was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome about 6 years ago. Basically, she is insulin resistant. I feared I had the same problem so I went to the doctor. (I love my doctor BTW) He did an ultrasound and found quite a few cysts on my ovaries and said that I most definitely had it. I haven't gotten the blood work back yet. I found this article on the internet that I am so glad I found. I liked that it said it's a syndrome so it's reversible, and it made sense that my body had basically forgotten how to metabolize carbs and I needed to retrain it. For six weeks I should be eating fats (healthy ones) because that is what my body is going to use as fuel. I didn't want to go to the doctor and act like I knew more than he did because I obviously don't, but I did ask some questions that helped me understand. He was ready to prescribe me birth control to correct my irregulation, and metformin to even out my levels. I am opposed to that because I think there's an alternative that is healthier.
So this is my battle plan:
I am trying to stay away from grains for 6 weeks, even whole grains and limiting myself to one fruit a day. Basically a lot of avacados, coconuts/coconut oil, and veggies. It sounds hard, but I feel different this time. When I think about how much better I already feel, something deep inside tells me I can do this. It's almost like I am getting a glimpse of a feeling of how my body is going to finally feel healthy and I am encouraged. I am taking one day at a time. I'm on day 3 and already I feel so much better. I'm not bloated, my stomach doesn't feel full and tender, and I have more energy. I also started on Macafem.
I feel really good about this plan. I am going to fix this. I do not want to deal with adult acne, bloating, weight gain, low energy, and generally not feeling right for the rest of my life. Our bodies are resilient if we give them what they need.
Must reads: