Can I just say I hate gluten? No longer am I a wheatgeek. I am a wheat-sucks-why-have-i-never-thought-you-could-be-the-whole-problem-geek.
Seriously though, I have learned an important lesson. I don't think our health problems are ever caused by just one thing. It's always a combination, which is why I think it's important to treat it in more than one way. I've seen an iridologist where I learned I had candida, I have gone to Dr. Skagg's who practices N.A.E.T. and learned what I am intolerant to, I have gotten blood tests from my OB which I learned all my thyroid levels and insulin levels are just fine so I can rule out polycystic ovarian syndrome, and guess what? I relied on my intuition and learned that gluten is most of my problem. And my kid's.. interesting how life works. The answer was the most simple and cheapest, but I had to explore all other possibilities to recognize that. yay.. What an easy fix.
Is anybody else suffering from gluten intolerance?