Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Help for a research paper

I am currently taken English 2010 and am in the middle of writing a persuasive essay. I chose to write about dairy. My stance is that it should not be included in the food pyramid. What are some questions any of you have about this so I can be sure to include them in my paper. My target audience is mostly young mothers so we can teach our children there is another way to get calcium, but includes everyone.

Please please please let me know your thoughts.

Also, I am reading The China Study. I've wanted to read it for over a year now and am loving it. Totally enthralled/mesmerized/horrified/gladified (I made that one up) at the studies that link dairy consumption to so MANY diseases...

Monday, March 8, 2010


Can I just say I hate gluten? No longer am I a wheatgeek. I am a wheat-sucks-why-have-i-never-thought-you-could-be-the-whole-problem-geek.

Seriously though, I have learned an important lesson. I don't think our health problems are ever caused by just one thing. It's always a combination, which is why I think it's important to treat it in more than one way. I've seen an iridologist where I learned I had candida, I have gone to Dr. Skagg's who practices N.A.E.T. and learned what I am intolerant to, I have gotten blood tests from my OB which I learned all my thyroid levels and insulin levels are just fine so I can rule out polycystic ovarian syndrome, and guess what? I relied on my intuition and learned that gluten is most of my problem. And my kid's.. interesting how life works. The answer was the most simple and cheapest, but I had to explore all other possibilities to recognize that. yay.. What an easy fix.

Is anybody else suffering from gluten intolerance?

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Great websites

I can literally shut down my blog now. Now that it's anything amazing, but Hey I'm just sayin'.

I found this website: Simple, Healthy, Tasty. (It's always randomly that I find these websites, but to me.. it's inspired randomness :) I haven't found one thing we disagree on yet, but she says everything so much better than me. And her food actually looks like it tastes good to her family. That is my problem. I know what's healthy, I know what's not, but to make a great meal and have it taste good to almost everyone is beyond my capacity. I am way good at making things that send my children into dry heaves. This is why I'm glad I found her blog though: Getting frustrated at not knowing what to feed my kids makes me want to throw my hands up in the air and return to the Standard American Diet, but I CANNOT do that. So I make them eat stuff anyway that is healthy but maybe they don't necessarily like. Because it's food. And we should be grateful. But if there is a better way.. hey I am jumpin' on.

I liked this post a lot, and follow it almost to a T: substitutions
I hope you all like this site as much as I have so far..

Here's another goody that I have only read one post from (which is here), -It's about organizing.. but I'm excited to look into it more.