Monday, January 18, 2010


Would anybody be interested in a monthly class to get out by ourselves, learn about more natural living (cooking, body care, budgeting, exercise, laughter) and get dinner too?

These are some of the things I want to learn more about and share:
Transforming our regular meals into a healthier version
Toxin-free shampoo, soap, lotion, lip care, makeup
Things we can make ourselves (I have a great thing to replace cotton squares)
Changing our thoughts to be more positive
Better skills for mothering
How to be a better wife
Green smoothies.. why are they beneficial?
Setting up a group (co-op) so we can save money on the things we buy.
A better way to budget and keep track of our money
The power of exercising

Basically, I want to improve on all these things, and I want to learn from people that have found things that have worked. If we could get together once a month on a set date, meet, and have a little lesson, share, and eat.. I think it would be LIFE-CHANGING!

So leave me a comment if you are interested, if you have other ideas, and if you would like to help in a particular topic. What are the things you are interested in learning more about??


  1. Yes, Yes, and Yes! Keep me posted...I may not be able to come to meetings, but I would love to know what you have learned!

  2. i'm always up for a fun group. i'm not sure about everything but i'm up to try. keep me posted...

  3. I love classes! Are you ordering coconut oil? Can I get some if you are?

  4. Sounds much like Relief Society!!

  5. where are you located?

  6. I am in Tremonton, but I am actually moving. So probably no classes.. you guys should hold your own! It would be fun!
